將真正由葡國進口的瓷磚配上木頭上, 這款多功能收納地櫃,將瓷磚用傳統的入榫方法插入木框內,使得木頭及瓷磚緊密結合起來。櫃內分為二層,而且內里都是互通,可以更靈活收納。
尺寸:1350*480*550mm (可訂製)
This multifunctional storage cabinet combines authentic Portuguese tiles with wood, using traditional mortise and tenon techniques to securely insert the tiles into the wooden frame, creating a tight bond between the two materials. The cabinet is divided into two layers, with an open interior that allows for flexible storage options.
Materials: Old elm wood, Portuguese tiles.
Dimensions: 1350 x 480 x 550 mm (customizable)