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簡介: 透過本課程,希望小朋友可以學會自主獨立並明白到玩具不單單只靠購買但其實可以自己製作,從而懂得愛惜及珍惜自己同身邊嘅事物。同時亦都希望啟發小朋友創作力。
• 繩索的使用
• 基本木工工具
• 組織技巧
• 發揮個人創造力
Through this course, we hope children will learn to be independent and understand that toys can be made, not just purchased. This realization encourages them to cherish and appreciate what they have. Additionally, we aim to inspire children's creativity.
Course Outline
Use of ropes
Basic woodworking tools
Organizational skills
Expressing personal creativity
課程相片 Gallery
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